YAV - Music Catalog

Music by Yavelow

Here I'm building a complete catalog of my musical works. Some sound clips are available and more will be added eventually. The works are divided into the following categories.
Click here to send me feedback (Christopher@yav.com).

"OperaNetta" COUNTDOWN - The first on-line opera!
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Format of information

Information about each work is provided as follows (when applicable):

  1. Title & Date
  2. Instrumentation & Duration
  3. Commisioned By
  4. Awards & Prizes
  5. Composed At
  6. Libretist
  7. Lyricist
  8. Choreographer
  9. Premier (US)
  10. Premier (non-US)
  11. Publisher
  12. Sound clips (click to listen)


  1. Choose a category from the list at the top.
  2. When you are within a category, clicking on the words "Commissioned By" takes you to the next commissioned work and clicking on the words "Awards & Prizes" takes you to the next work that has received an award.


Graphics, text, sounds, etc.  Copyright  © Christopher Yavelow  1994