Email Magician also automates many tasks related to optimizing your Eudora folder, and archiving email messages (including exporting to FileMaker and stripping html from messages). Email Magician provides an "intelligent" Urgent Filter note-pad, where you jot down phrases and email addresses that tell the program to override existing filters and, for example, gather all your "to do" items into a single mailbox for quick disposition.
Never make filters, mailboxes, or nicknames in Eudora again! Put spam in its proper place. Let Email Magician keep all your mailboxes clean. Email Magician can create hundreds of filters, mailboxes, and nicknames in the time it takes to manually construct a single filter.
View screenshots, listen to the official Email Magician Song, or download a trial copy of Email Magician at
Email Magician is a trademark of YAV Interactive Media.