YAV's RAD Tools
Command List
Here you will find a list of commands and functions installed by YAV's RAD Tools
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Power Essentials
The YAV Tools 1 set adds 200 fast commands and functions to the message hierarchy that will greatly speed up your script development and take care of most of the standard calls for which you usually find yourself "re-inventing the wheel".
The following categories are covered:
FYI, the complete list of YAV Tools 1:
- YAVtools Controls
- yt
- LoadYAVsRADtools()
- yg()
- Sett
- Gett()
- Clrr
- isMt()
- Htyp
- DefLoc
- DefLoc()
- DefWdL
- DefSnd
- DefSnd()
- DefTxa
- MyPrefs
- Powr
- MakeShell
- Environmental
- initDelims
- defaultDelims
- SaveDelims
- RestoreDelims
- dd
- sd
- rd
- SetDelims
- SetSave
- ssi
- ssw
- ssl
- checkDelims()
- StripDelims()
- DelimCheck()
- Trim()
- ts()
- Freeze
- UnFreeze
- DeepFreeze
- Thaw
- SaveLocks
- restoreLocks
- DoNotDisturb
- DoComeIn
- saveMsg
- restoreMsg
- ghm
- hmt()
- Cursor and Timing
- busy
- watch
- myDelay
- Enumeration
- nChars()
- nWords()
- nItems()
- nLines()
- nMenus()
- nMitems()
- nWinds()
- nBGs()
- nCDs()
- ncb()
- ncf()
- ncg()
- nbb()
- nbf()
- nbg()
- Path and Indentification
- sn()
- anm()
- ln()
- sid()
- aid()
- lid()
- getPath()
- lastPathItem()
- lpi()
- lpc()
- QuotedPath()
- qp()
- PathQuoteCheck()
- pqc()
- sharedPath()
- myLong()
- myPath()
- myVol()
- Colonic()
- thisPrLN()
- thisPrAN()
- thisPrSN()
- mln()
- man()
- msn()
- mli()
- mai()
- msi()
- Strings, Lists, and Arrays
- isAlpha()
- ctn()
- ntc()
- getItemNum()
- gin()
- getIndex()
- getWordNum()
- gwn()
- wordOffset()
- Nth()
- getAt()
- i1()
- i2()
- i3()
- i4()
- makeArray()
- getColumn()
- setTable
- Table()
- aq()
- ql()
- sq()
- stripAllquotes()
- saq()
- truncStr()
- ies()
- Perimeter Tools
- car()
- cdr()
- lst()
- blt()
- fst()
- bft()
- cons()
- sft()
- slt()
- rft()
- rlt()
- gfc()
- bfc()
- glc()
- blc()
- gfw()
- bfw()
- glw()
- blw()
- gfi()
- bfi()
- gli()
- bli()
- gfl()
- bfl()
- gll()
- bll()
- Logical Operations
- etf()
- eft()
- ift()
- iff()
- iit()
- iif()
- isin()
- izt()
- izf()
- Numbers
- saveNF
- restoreNF
- zeroPad()
- lastTwo()
- lastN()
- roundUp()
- BaseToDec()
- HexDec()
- ListAdd()
- kir()
- between()
- Key Trapping
- returnKey
- enterKey
- menuKey
- OpDn()
- CmDn()
- ShDn()
- OptShftDown()
- KeysAreDown()
- RealQuotes()
- KeyInField
- ArrowKeys
- TextArrowsOff
- TextArrowsOn
- DialogArrowsOff
- SetArrowState
- ArrowKey
- Dialogs and Alerts
- AnswerMe
- AnswerConfirm
- AnswerAlert
- checkLoc()
- alertLoc()
- icx
- iox()
- Flow control
- itx
- ifx
- iex()
- xsc
- scriptError
- Miscellaneous Utilities
- SetDev
- DevOn()
- pm
- moreConstants
- Online Syntax GuideThere are three ways to access the online syntax guide:
- Type "yt" and return in the message box
- Select "Help" from one of the menus
- Press command-H
Some of YAV's favorites from the first set:
Of course, these commands and functions are are all extremely useful but you might want to check out the first dozen in particular: You will never need another global variable again!
Some of my personal favorites: The ArrowKey, ReturnKey, and EnterKey are "Smart" (i.e. you can set them to "smart" - for example, the ArrowKeys become "Nudgers" when you hold down the Shift and Option keys down AND the Enter and Return Keys "know" when there is a default button that they should send a mouseUp to). Also look over the list for "3-char wonders" such ies, iex(), etf(), iit(), ift(), blt(), ncb(), nbb(), ncf() -- there are dozens of these. The "3-char wonders" all follow a consistent and logical acronym system: for example, "ncb()" returns the number of card buttons. "iex(arg)" checks the contents of the argument and then if it's empty exits to SuperCard. The acronym system is provided in the Tips document.
Of course, MakeShell is pretty cool too! MakeShell creates a shell project with YAV's RAD Tools installed, 7 windows (including About and Prefs too), and 10 menus that conform to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines. Everything in the shell project is pre-scripted to take advantage of YAV's RAD Tools (the shell project alone can save you weeks of development time).
Enhanced Interaction
The YAV Tools 2 set adds 74 commands and functions to the message hierarchy to speed up and enhance your users interaction with your project or standalone. The YAV tools 1 set is required.
The following categories are covered:
FYI, the complete list of YAV Tools 2:
- Apple Events
- AppEventQuit
- appleEvent
- File I/O and Printing
- ExportText() [GetFileInfo XFCN is optional]
- ImportText()
- ExportPict
- PrintText
- FileInsert [requires FileBusy XFCN]
- FileReplace [requires FileBusy XFCN]
- FileExtract [requires FileBusy XFCN]
- DeleteClipFile [requires FileExists XFCN]
- Document Handling
- getFile [requires GetFileInfo XFCN]
- gF
- getProj
- getText
- getPict
- Power Windows
- WindowWiz
- WdSwitch
- SizeWdToBg
- CenterWds
- BstUprLftWndLoc()
- bulW()
- SetWndBstUprLft
- GridWindow
- ConstrainWd
- Menus and PopUps
- YavPopBtn
- YavPopMenu
- SortMenu
- MENUiNum()
- EditMenuSense
- InsertMenus
- RemoveMenus
- MiTin
- disMenu
- togMenu
- disMitem
- togMitem
- SetMenuCheck
- Buttons and Mouse
- mDblClk()
- msDn()
- msUp()
- mDown
- PushIn
- PopOut
- doBtn
- Graphics
- globalPoint()
- gp()
- cc
- RectCenter()
- cor()
- RectWithin()
- insetRect()
- clearPicture
- Field Tools and Undo
- slb
- ulb
- slc
- ulc
- tlb
- tlc
- Attr
- doFldUndo
- setFldUndo
- reSetFldUndo
- Finding, Replacing, and Sorting
- SearchScript
- DoFind
- DoFindAgain
- ReplaceAny()
- replaceField
- ReplaceChunk
- rsc
- ScrollToFound
- DoubleSort()
- Idle Arbitration
- YAVidle
- YAVidle (example)
- Miscellaneous
- AutoScript()
- NumToCur()
- CurToNum()
- SetProps
- cs
- itToClip()
Some of YAV's favorites from the second set:
Of course, they are all going to be very appreciated by your users but you might want to particularly check my favorites: the popUp menu options, Window Wiz, SetWndBstUprLft, itToClip, the Undo commands, searchScript, and the Idle management tools. There's quite a bit here and the functions tend to take up more room than the YAV Tools 1 (which is why I could only squeeze this many in here... even with those that are included constantly drawing on the power of the 100 commands and functions of YAV Tools 1).
As noted on the list, several of the commands require an XFCN from the Xtend project (some optionally). It is very likely that the next upgrade to YAV's RAD Tools will not require those externals. The syntax has been designed with this eventuality in mind so upgrading should not require any changes in your scripts.
Media Control
The YAV Tools 3 set includes over 50 sophisticated media controlling commands and functions to enhance your multimedia development and productivity. At this time, the YAV Tools 3 set is still in testing and more options are being evaluated and added regularly. The list of ones that we are almost certain to include is provided here and in the help section. The following categories are covered:
FYI, the complete list of commands and functions currently in YAV Tools 3
(this list is subject to change):
- Setup
- InitEnv()
- SystemCheck()
- UpdatePrefFile()
- Multiple Application Management
- RoomEnough()
- get MemoryCheck
- AppRequires
- QuickTime and Director
- OpenMOOV
- LoopMovie
- ServiceMovie
- PlayDir (requires Macromedia's PlayMovie XCMD)
- Sound
- OpenSND
- OpenAIF
- PlayAif
- PlayAifBatch
- MIDI (requires EarLevel's HyperMIDI XCMD)
- InitMIDI
- OpenMIDI
- CloseMIDI
- SMFplay
- SMFexport
- AllNotesOff
- BuildSeq
- SetTempo
- DefTempo()
- SendPatch
- DefPatch()
- SetMIDIvol
- KeyMap()
- SetTranspo
- TranspoMap()
- TempoSlider()
- VolumeSlider()
- TranspoSlider()
- Music ("SCexternals") (no extra externals required)
- ymeRetro()
- ymeInvert()
- ymeRetroInvert()
- ymePalind()
- ymeTranspoReal()
- ymeTranspoTonal()
- ymeNoteToMIDI()
- ymeMIDItoNote()
- ymeFreePerm()
- ymeFrePerPro()
- ymeCircPerm()
- ymePicOne()
- ymePicSomRep()
- ymePicSomUni()
- ymePicSomWrp()
- ymePicSomWgt()
- Miscellaneous
- DragMe()
- DragConnect()
- EchoPW()
Note that many of the MIDI commands are designed to work in conjunction with EarLevel Engineering's HyperMIDI XCMD and are not guaranteed to function when used in conjunction with MIDI XCMDs which might be marketed by other manufacturers (this does not include the "music" functions which can be identified by the "yme" prefix).
YAV's RAD Tools code written by Christopher Yavelow and Copyright Christopher Yavelow except "Freeze" and "UnFreeze" which were written by
Bernard LaVie, who many years ago convinced me to switch back to SuperCard from HyperCard and to whom the YAV's RAD Tools are dedicated.
I'm convinced. Let me download YAV's RAD Tools and the documentation right now!
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Graphics, text, sounds, etc. Copyright © Christopher Yavelow 1994 - 1998