Meta Tag Manager

Meta Tag Manager® 2.0.1

"If you use it, they will find you"
For Macintosh Computers*

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Meta Tag Manager is the first and only software of its kind for the Macintosh. Meta Tag Manager is the ultimate tool for fine-tuning and optimizing a document's meta tags. This process can enhance a page's search engine relevancy ranking and assure that queries that should find a particular page, do in fact find that page. Anyone creating webpages should be using Meta Tag Manager.

Meta tags are usually not visible in a browser but are used by search engine "spiders" to index and rank a website or homepage. Every search engine has its own approach to handling on-line documents and even their utilization of meta tags varies widely. Rather than leave the fate of a meticulously crafted web presence to a spider's often overly generalized methods, Meta Tag Manager lets the individual take control. By providing dozens of options to automate the management of meta tags, Meta Tag Manager makes it easy to analyze and maximize the important meta tags of an entire website or a single html document.

During the editing process, Meta Tag Manager offers ongoing feedback about how a document's meta tags will be treated by up to ten search engines (including the top seven). Meta Tag Manager generates custom advice in easy-to-understand English. One click of the "Update" button can add twelve meta tags auto-formatted in optimum syntax to a document. And Meta Tag Manager can conditionally add, append, prepend, or merge tags to a whole group of files with a single press of the "Batch" button. Collect all keywords from a website. Analyze the interaction between keywords, headings, and body text. Designate often used material to be added automatically to important tags. "Carry over" tags from one file to another. Strip unwanted meta tags. Create "Tag Reports" and much more.


YAV has created a tutorial for Meta Tag Manager. The tutorial requires loading a folder containing 3 tutorial html files. While you are taking the tutorial, Meta Tag Manager is temporarilly “registered.” The tutorial takes between 10 and 15 minutes and after taking it you will know about 95% of the program. You are strongly encouraged to print out the tutorial instructions and take the tutorial. You will find the tutorial folder inside the Meta Tag Manager folder and the instructions for the tutorial are in the tutorial folder.


Change history

Be sure to see the latest release notes.

What people are saying about Meta Tag Manager

We are collecting quotes about the program here.

Registration information

You can find information about the difference between registered and unregistered versions as well as various ways to purchase a registration code ($30) here.

Introduction | Download | Register | Screenshots | FAQ | History | Meta Tag Manager Index |

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